Revolutionary Lessons

Play a Story
(Ages 4-6)
Play a Story is a groundbreaking curriculum that unfolds unique musical concepts directly onto the keyboard. As students learn basic piano skills through story and experience their own innate musicality through improvisation, they are laying down a comprehensive foundation. Their rapid integration of musical concepts greatly supports their ability to progress easily into the next program.
For Free Introductory Session

Simply Music
(Ages 7-107)
This innovative system has ALL students playing a huge variety of great-sounding classical, popular, blues and accompaniments, as well as composing, improvising, and arranging, immediately--from their very first lessons! These unprecedented results set the stage for a powerful, self-generative musical self-expression and include a transformational and far-reaching reading experience, all done through the lens of Simply Music’s unique playing-based approach.
For Free Introductory Session
About Sheri
Simply Music Master Teacher
Sheri holds the distinction of being Southern California's first and most experienced Simply Music teacher. She loves introducing her students to the unique joy of immediate access to their musical self-expression. Born into a musical family, she has played almost since she can remember. When she was introduced to Simply Music many years later (2002), her excitement about its impact on her own playing, beyond the normative reading-based results obtained with her traditional lessons, led her to her passion of sharing this remarkable program with people of all ages and backgrounds.
After thousands of teaching hours and hundreds of students Sheri continues to bring excitement and enthusiasm with every student. Her natural teaching abilities, her expert guidance through the various curricula (including a powerful creative experience and a transformational reading program), and the inspiration she receives from her students virtually guarantees you amazing results.
Sheri is honored to share her love of teaching with Simply Music itself, as a speaker at international symposia, as a mentor to new Simply Music teachers, and as a Simply Music-endorsed teacher coach. She has co-authored organization-wide teacher training and student materials, and her student testimonials are included in a book about Simply Music called:
"Not until I found Simply Music did I ever feel I could really play piano. I now have a significant repertoire, feel empowered to improvise and create music of my own, and have developed a much better understanding of the language of music. I can entertain myself at the piano and play for an hour easily without music. Thank you Sheri Reingold and Simply Music!”
Carrie Glicksteen, Oak Park