Student Materials
Multi Journey Pack
Sign-up: $60
Best Value!
This pack gives you access to online materials for all three Journeys: Song of the Zephyr-Wind , Ocean Lullaby and Travel Notes.
You will have access to:
24 different scenes
134 cinemagraphic story book videos
186 lesson review videos
downloadable audio tracks
35 motif demonstration videos
55 improvisation videos
48 original play-along movies
downloadable playlists, motif summaries, key theoretical concepts and more!
Note: This pack is for students not previously registered with a Teacher through InnerMusician.
Students previously registered through a Teacher should upgrade via that teacher or contact us directly
Journey 1: Song of the Zephyr
Sign-up: $25
When purchasing a single Journey it is highly recommended to you start with Journey 1: Song of the Zephyr Wind to build your skills as a foundation for the subsequent Journeys.
This pack gives you access to all online materials for Journey 1: Song of the Zephyr-Wind, including:
8 different scenes
46 cinemagraphic story book videos
74 lesson review videos
downloadable audio tracks
8 motif demonstration videos
14 improvisation vidoes
16 original play-along movies
downloadable playlists, motif summaries, key theoretical concepts and more!
Note: This pack is for students not previously registered with a Teacher through InnerMusician.
Students previously registered through a Teacher should upgrade via that teacher or contact us directly
Journey 2: Ocean Lullaby
Sign-up: $25
It is recommended that this journey is not started until you have completed Journey 1: Song of the Zephyr Wind
This pack gives you access to all online materials for Journey 2: Ocean Lullaby, including:
7 different scenes
42 cinemagraphic story book videos
57 lesson review videos
downloadable audio tracks
8 motif demonstration videos
11 improvisation videos
14 original play-along movies
downloadable playlists, motif summaries, key theoretical concepts and more!
Note: This pack is for students not previously registered with a Teacher through InnerMusician.
Students previously registered through a Teacher should upgrade via that teacher or contact us directly
Journey 3: Travel Notes
Sign-up: $25
It is recommended that this journey is not started until you have completed Journey 1: Song of the Zephyr Wind and Journey 2: Ocean Lullaby.
This pack gives you access to all online materials for Journey 3: Travel Notes, including:
9 different scenes
46 cinemagraphic story book videos
55 lesson review videos
downloadable audio tracks
9 motif demonstration videos
10 improvisation videos
18 original play-along movies
downloadable playlists, motif summaries, key theoretical concepts and more!
Note: This pack is for students not previously registered with a Teacher through InnerMusician.
Students previously registered through a Teacher should upgrade via that teacher or contact us directly